Modern Challenges, Timeless Principles


“Allah is the light of the heavens and earth.”

(Quran 24:35)

New Book Release 2024: Digital Deceptions

New Book Release 2024: Digital Deceptions

The much awaited release of SageTree’s first publication, Digital Deceptions, is finally here. Order your copy now.

Click here to read an excerpt.

Congratulations to our 2024 SageTree Scholarship Recipient: Kai Lang


Upcoming events

Scattered Pearls Shafii Fiqh

Saturdays 11am-12:30pm EST


The Dark Side of Digital

Fri Jan 31th 7:15pm, GCLEA, Cherry Hill, NJ


The Dark Side of Digital

Sat Feb 1st 6pm, ISCJ, NJ



The Dark Side of Digital

DaRussalam, Lobard, IL Nov 15, 2024

Modern digital media technologies have revolutionized the way we live, learn, work and play. Whether it be through smart phones, apps, social media, video games, or the internet, technology has delivered unprecedented convenience and abundance to our fingertips. But is there a dark side to this convenience? In this session, we will explore some potential harms of unmitigated access to digital technologies to ourselves and our children as well as strategies to regain our balance..


Friday Bayyan:

Digital Devices, Scorpions and Snakes of today



  • “As a parent of two girls, and a professional who relies on the internet for various aspects of my work - it was an eye-opener on many accounts. Alhumdulillah! The conference highlighted many of the problems faced by Muslims in the current era of digital advancement and provided valuable insight in regaining balance and discussed concrete steps that can be taken to minimize some of the harms associated with excessive use of these modern devices and social platforms.”

    — Fatima R.

  • “The speakers presented factual and convincing evidence, that was both informative and compelled me to reflect on my life and where I was headed, especially when it came to my children. It helped me recognize some very basic mistakes that I was making unknowingly and how to counter them with simple easy doable steps. I found it to be beneficial in terms of the wealth of knowledge presented and the action-oriented approach the presenters took. So much is happening, at such a fast pace in the technological arena, the hype and hysteria is real and damaging, unless we understand the implications behind it.”

    -Fatima R.


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